
Thursday, October 6, 2011

UN. Menurut lo?

sumpah, kalau ada yang ngajak debat sama gue, gue...... gamau, gue gak bisa ngomong langsung, pasti bakal amburadul -_-" jadiiiii, gue post aja deh ya ;;)
menurut lo UN perlu gak sih?
gue sebagai orang yang udah ngerjain UN 2x, dan udah jadi korban 1x merasa kayaknya gak perlu deh. Kenapa? gue gak ngerti gunanya buat apaan! gue tau, gak seharusnya gue nulis yang kek gini, dan kalau harus, mestinya di post diwaktu yang tepat.
Katanya sih... katanya ya, KATANYA *sengaja diulang biar serasa gimanaa gitu* UN tuh buat ningkatin kualitas pendidikan. Yang gue liat, rasa, dan alami, kayaknya itu cuma ngerusak moral. Kenapa? anak Indonesia yang ngalamin UN pasti ketakutan dong? takut gak lulus dong? dan pastinya nyari kunci dong? Ya. Saya tau kok, gak semuanya make tuh kunci. Tapi bayangin deh, saya yakin 65% lebih orang yg ngejalanin UN make tuh kunci. Apa itu yang namanya meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan? Nyontek? yakin lo?
Inget gak, pernah ada kejadian siswa yang meninggal gara-gara gak kuat liat soal UN? apa itu gak cukup?
Balik lagi ke yang kunci tadi.
Jujur saya gak make kunci itu pas UN. mau nyela saya, hah? silahkan. Saya katakan apa yang saya anggap benar, dan kalau saya salah, saya mundur.
Gini nih, ibaratnya orang yang bener-bener belajar itu nanem pohon. Dari biji. Seiring waktu, pohon itu tumbuh dan udah ada buahnya. Terus datang tuh si orang yang "bener-bener lainnya" (pake kutip ya itu :">) metik buah si orang itu. Buah yang dia petik itu mateng, buah yang bener2 bagus. Pas si orang yang nanem mau ngambil hasil panennya, eh malah kebagian sisanya yang, yaaa... 80% bagus kali ya. Gimana tuh rasanya? gak enak kan? ngerti gak gue ngomong apa? enggak ya? yaudah ehehe.
Gue lupa mau nulis apa lagi, ini ide udah berhari2 lalu dan belum gue abadikan dimana-mana.
Oh ya, ngomong2 soal UN, gue nginget KKM. Gue lupa kepanjangannya apa, yg pasti itu tuh nilai minimal yg harus dicapai. Rata2 sekolah nilai KKMnya udah 7 keatas ya sekarang? tinggi ya? Saya yakin banyak siswa yg keberatan sama KKM segitu.
Gue liat di ijazah Mamah gue, disana ada nilai 2,45 (2 angka dibelakang komanya ngarang sih ehehe). Dan dia masih bisa diterima di SMA Favorit. Ironis ya? banget! liat sekarang angka ijazah rata-rata 9 itu serasa angka sampah yang gak guna, yang kalau disenggol dikit aja udah rapuh banget.
Oh iya, soal KKM. Pernah gak ada yang mikir kalau seorang siswa itu gak bisa mencapai target, dan itu bisa menjadikan suatu tekanan batin terhadap siswa tersebut? ceileh bahasa gue.  Nah, dikarenakan adanya KKM yg tinggi, setiap orang pasti ingin dapat nilai diatas KKM. Dan ketika dia tahu dia tak bisa memenuhinya, munculah si nyontek muahahahah.
Balik lagi ah ke UN. Menurut lo, berapa persen kemungkinan seseorang dapat nilai 100 dalam pelajaran bahasa? Pasti taukan kalau pelajaran bahasa itu tergantung gimana pemikiran seseorang. Kalau menurut pendapat si pembuat soal jawabannya A, belum tentu pendapat si penyelesei soal jawabannya A juga kan? setiap orang punya pemikiran masing-masing. Saya yakin, pasti ada 1 atau 2 atau 3 soal yang beda pemikirannya sama si pembuat. Yang dapet cepe itu mungkin punya otaknya sama kayak si pembuat soal kali ya? ngahaha.

edit setelah 1 tahunnya post ini :')
Setelah dipikir-pikir lagi tentang KKM, KKM tinggi itu sebenernya menguntungkan, untuk saat ini. Kita ulangan, gak mencapai target, terus remedial. Remedial dapetnya nilai KKM. Bayangin kalau KKM di naikin jadi 90. Pasti bakal banyak yang remedial, dan kemudian dapet nilai 90. Indahnya. =p~
Tapi apa yang dibutuhin sama kita cuman nilai? Pikir lagi. Buat apa nilai 100 kalau otak 0? Nggak paham deh.

a dream has turn into dust

Has you ever heard a song from Regina Spektor - The Call?
I think it's about a place. (specific: my dream school)
Yeah, it started out as a feeling. I feel like, that place is great. Then it grew into a hope. I hopefully that I could go there. And the the battle just started, wich turned it into a quite though. And the day of 'do I could go there, or not' is come, then turned it into a quite word. All. Long. Day. And then that word grew louder and louder until I cried.
I have a bestfriend -wich has a same dream school- that still have a chance to get that place. And it was the very first day of us to saw into that place. And when we got to go back to home, I said, "hhh, I should say goodbye now." and we were quite for a seconds, then I said, "But you don't need to say goodbye, you should say see ya!" then she said, "don't you say that"
That's really funny to think how I still has a bunch of hope, even does I knew that it's really impossible for me to school in there. Everyone arround me said, "let it go". And so she was. She has choice another school. And I'm just. Still. Hope. For. It. Because I know I still had a chance. I mean, a little chance. A really little chance. An absolutely little chance.
And then that thursday morning. A day that Proof me, that I haven't chance anymore. Then I don't give a crap wich school that my parents choice. I just cried.
And then the day is come. A day that the very first day of school. It's a new begining. It's just a feeling that made me feel like a shit, and no one knows yet, and I still can't forget how it feels like.

PS: Secretely sometimes (with 's' at the end of the word!) the feelings or imagination or hope of me for that place is come. I don't know why. Is it because I still can't let it go? ofcourse not, I've let it go. I've already has a new dream right now. And I'd fight to get that! \m/


This post. It's been a year too *sight*
Do you know what we got? we got nothing. Nothing of us got that place. Just. Nevermind. :'|

Monday, February 7, 2011

Love the Skirt :)


Dear God, I LOVE THE SKIRT, I mean like, It's really, really cute.

Taylor Swift - What To Wear Lyric

She's looking in the mirror
The moments getting nearer
She thinks about it as she walks her walk

Up and down the staircase
Makeup fresh on her face
She thinks about it as she talks her talk

School dance, first chance, always been a dreamer
There's one guy, shes shy, sees him through the mirror
And everybody looks at her,
She thinks about it

Blue dress, angel face, looking in the mirror,
Shoes, purse, hair tied back and you should see her
Shes got her magic, floating through the air,

Peace, Love, One thing leads into another
Dream big, Aim small
Man you gotta love her
She's got her hopes up
Got 'em up to there
Wonderin' what to wear

She's standing in her bedroom, he'll be pullin' up soon
She thinks about it as she sees headlights
Looking out the window, she's got her diary to show
That she's been waiting for this all her life

First date can't wait
Lookin' in the mirror
Heart all wrapped up
Wait until he sees her
He's lookin' right at her
She thinks about it

Sixteen blue jeans Abercrombie t-shirt
Shoes purse hair tied back and you should see her
She's got her magic floating through the air

Peace, Love, One thing leads into another
Dream big, Aim small
Man you gotta love her
She's got her hopes up
Got 'em up to there
Wonderin' what to wear

The years went by
The mirror saw her cry
She got up again
She got up again
The wind blew by the small town lights
She got up again

Move out, find out where the world can take her
Bright lights late nights livin' for the greater
Move to Paris 
Livin' on a prayer

Peace, Love, One thing leads into another
Dream big, Aim small
Man you gotta love her
She's got her hopes up
Got 'em up to there
She's got her hopes up
Got 'em up to there 
Wonderin' what to wear
Ooo Ooo
Wonderin' what to wear